Saturday, July 11, 2009

News and Notes

First off, a note: Due to the lack of readily available internet, some of the blogs are back dated because I write them over time, but usually am only able to get around to posting them later on. So with one time to post, you’ll usually get a few blogs. Nothing is lagging; I just have to post multiple things all at once.

Anyways, in the news you probably saw something about a suicide bombing we had here at one of our entry points. While I’m nowhere near an entry point it was a big enough bang to be heard and felt throughout the base. I think you can of have yourself geared to accept that those things will happen, so it neither bothers nor shocks you when it does happen. You just wish it didn’t. I’m also in a position to where I can’t say anything about something that happens out here because I have no way of knowing what is public and in the news, and what isn’t. Things happen here, it’s part of being in a warzone. Unless it ends up in the news, I’m simply not going to disclose things long considered part of the weekly routine, as unfortunate as that may be.

Another thing I wish to mention, which is completely unrelated, is a little situation I noticed that I feel merits your public attention. When a member of the coalition is killed in action here, all flags are lowered to half-staff. Everyone is familiar with that being a unanimous, official sign of mourning. Whether British, Dutch, German, Canadian or American, all flags are lowered as a sign of respect. All flags that is, except for the Afghani flag. Could someone please explain that one to me?

The Afghani government asks us here to take care of their security problem, and their flag stands tall at full staff amongst American, British, Canadian, German, Australian and French flags, all at half-staff in mourning. It’s an outrage and an insult, both to me as a person sent here to fight, and for you as an American who’s sacrificed several billions of your tax dollars, as well as hundreds of American lives.

Simply put, if their government doesn’t appreciate and value the loss of life from people of other nations in defense of their country, I don’t even know why the hell we’re over here. If you have the time, do me a favor and send your Congressperson an email, and ask them why you as an American are sacrificing so much, and the Afghani government can’t do something as simple as lower it’s flag in mourning when a member of the international coalition is lost for their cause. The absolute least they could do is render proper respect.

Until next time.



  1. You have a valid point, seems like someone has some explaining to do. We all heard about the suicide bombing, it was a bit unsettling until I received your post that you were OK. I guess this is the way it's going to be for the next year.

  2. I agree with your mom, it was unnerving to hear things like that. Im glad you are ok. Sorry to hear about your cold. It takes the uttermost talent to become sick in such hot weather ;p
