Sunday, July 19, 2009

120 degree temps follow Don Shula to Kandahar

The past couple of days the temperature here in Kandahar has reached into the upper 120’s were told. We’ve all gotten used to hot, but when you go outside right now it’s like standing next to an open oven door. It is ungodly hot here. Luckily we have various ways to keep water cooled so you can find some relief from the heat. We have air conditioning in the tents, but it’s almost a futile effort when it gets this hot.

As far as comings and goings of the area are concerned, the great Don Shula visited us this past week. I didn’t find out about it until he had come and gone though. It’s a pity, how many times in your life do you get to meet someone like Don Shula? I guess that’s one less chance for me. It’s nice that people who do things like that. They obviously don’t have to stop their lives and come out here. They do get to go back home after like a week, but they do make their rounds and we appreciate it.

For those of us looking towards life after deployment, apparently by mid 2010 the Army wants to extend dwell time to 18-24 months. With the conflict slowing down in Iraq and hopefully Afghanistan turning around, it’ll be a nice change of routine for people with deployments. The way it’s worked, you have people deployed for 12-15 months, home for 12 months then back out for another 12-15 months. I guarantee there are some married soldiers who’ve been married for three years, and spent two of those years away from their spouse. Things cannot successfully work out for people in their lives with things working that way.

So, with change here and in Iraq, hopefully things can draw back a little bit and people can direct more of their attention to the homeland and their families. It’s been almost 9 years, I think people deserve a break.

Until next time,


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