Monday, June 29, 2009


Today's Temp: 116

It's hot here in Kandahar. Very hot. Like sweat when you aren't doing anything, drinking a box of water yourself in a day hot. We got in pretty early in the morning a couple of days ago. While waiting on the airfield we were promptly greeted by the white and purple afterburners of two fighter jets taking off from the airfield. We got to sleep for a little bit, then started orientation classes. The first thing you notice in Kandahar, other then the fact that it's hot as hell, is it's dusty everywhere and there seems to be this sand like powder on top of everything. There's is nothing that even comes close to appearing green in color, and things brought here that had been green are stained tan by the dust and sand. Numerous nations are represented here and a lot of cleared local nationals work for contractors on the base.

Some of the rumors, however are true. There is indeed a hockey rink there. God bless the Canadians. There's a few fast food places and the boardwalk has some shops run by local nationals and the wifi available is slow, but it's there. I also noticed my MacBook Pro has about 2 hours of battery life and with no place to plug in that seems to be near the wifi, it's going to be a bit of a struggle for now. We're in temporary barracks at the moment for our mini reception period, but after that I guess we'll move out to something more permanent,

Other than that, yes I'm here in Kandahar and no, not much of anything exciting is going on, which probably in the end isn't a bad thing. For some reason we have most of the day off from reception activities, so I might have to run out and play some hockey later on. With it of course being as hot as it is, I think I'll keep the shifts short.

Until next time.



  1. You can't leave us hanging like this... we need pictures of said hockey rink! No pictures and it doesn't exist.

    If you hang out by the rink do you feel cooler at least?
